This legal notice regulates the use of this website (hereinafter, “VENA”) that VENA SL (hereinafter, “VENA”) makes available to internet users.

The acceptance of this legal notice implies that the user knows their terms and that he/she commits to comply with them. In no case does VENA guarantee the availability or maintenance in the future of the services accessible through the store. VENA can at any time decide the interruption, suspension, or definitive cancellation of this store without that for that reason any kind of compensation for the users is derived.

The electronic purchases made by users through this store are subject to the general conditions of purchase (hereinafter, the “general purchase conditions”). These general purchase conditions constitute the main legal document of the purchase agreement, and in them, the rights and duties that users have as VENA clients are regulated. It is convenient, therefore, that prior to the start of purchases on our store, users read these general purchase conditions carefully. VENA can modify these general purchase conditions at any time. The modifications made will not affect, in any case, the purchases that the users have made prior to the approval of said modifications that will be governed in any case by the general conditions in force at the time of making these other purchases. It is the user’s responsibility to know the general purchase conditions in force at the time of the start of the purchase process.

The general purchase conditions and the other documents of the purchase agreement are available in Spanish and English.


All the contents of the store, understood by these as merely enunciative texts, photographs, graphics, images, icons, technology, software, links, and other audiovisual or sound content, as well as their graphic design and source codes (hereinafter, the “contents”), are the intellectual property of VENA or of third parties, without which any of the exploitation rights recognized by the current regulations on intellectual property matters can be understood to be assigned to the users. Notwithstanding the foregoing, during the time users remain connected to the store, they may make use of said content to the extent that it is necessary for browsing and only when said content is accessible in accordance with the rules provided in this legal notice. Once the user disconnects from our store, he will not retain any right of use over the previous contents. The trademarks, trade names, or distinctive signs are the property of VENA, or third parties, without it being understood that access to the store attributes to the users any right over the mentioned brands, trade names, and/or distinctive signs.


Users of the online store are obliged to make proper use of the store in accordance with the law and this legal notice. The user who fails to comply with the law or this legal notice will respond to VENA or against third parties, for any damages that may be caused as a result of breach of this obligation. It is expressly forbidden to use the store for harmful purposes of goods or interests of VENA; or that in any other way overload, damage, or disable the networks, servers, and other computer equipment (hardware) or products and software applications (software) of VENA or third parties.


The users of the store undertake to use the contents in accordance with the law and this legal notice, as well as with the other conditions, regulations, and instructions that may apply to certain services in accordance with the provisions of the clause 1. With a merely enunciative nature, users must refrain from:

– reproducing, copying, distributing, making available, communicating publicly, transforming, or modifying the contents, except in cases authorized by law or expressly consented to by VENA or by the owner of the exploitation rights, as the case may be.

– reproducing or copying for private use the content that may be considered as software or database in accordance with current legislation on intellectual property, as well as its public communication or made available to third parties when these acts necessarily imply reproduction by part of the user or a third party.

– extracting and/or reusing all or a substantial part of the contents of the store as well as the databases that VENA makes available to users.


Notwithstanding the provisions of clause 6 of this legal notice, the use of certain services or requests is conditioned upon the prior completion of the corresponding user registration. All information provided by the user through the forms of the store for the above purposes or any other must be true. For these purposes, the user guarantees the authenticity of all the data communicated and will keep the information provided perfectly updated so that it responds, at all times, to the real situation of the user. In any case, the user will be solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements made and the damages caused to VENA or to third parties for the information provided.


Internet users or service providers of the information society who wish to introduce links from their own web pages to the store must comply with the conditions detailed below:

– The link will only link to the home page or main page of the store but will not be able to reproduce it in any way (inline links, copy of the texts, graphics, etc). The web 2.0 type interaction systems offered by the shop to link with it are excepted from the foregoing.

– In any case, it will be prohibited, in accordance with the applicable legislation and in force at any time, to establish frames or frames of any kind that involve the store or allow the display of the contents through internet addresses other than those of the store and, in any case, when viewed together with contents outside the store in such a way that: (i) it produces, or may produce, error, confusion or deception in the users about the true origin of the service or contents; (ii) suppose an act of comparison or unfair imitation; (iii) serve to take advantage of VENA’s brand reputation and prestige online; or (iv) in any other way is prohibited by current legislation.

– Any type of false, inaccurate, or incorrect statement about VENA or about the VENA group companies, its partners, employees, members, or about the quality of the services offered to users will not be made from the page that introduces the link.

– In no case, will be expressed on the page where the link is located that VENA has given its consent for the insertion of the link or that otherwise sponsors, collaborates, verifies, or supervises the services of the sender.

– It is forbidden the use of any word, graphic, or mixed brand or any other distinctive sign of VENA within the sender’s page except in cases permitted by law or expressly authorized by VENA and whenever allowed, in these cases, a direct link to the store in the manner established in this clause.

– The page that establishes the link must faithfully comply with the law and cannot under any circumstances dispose of or link to its own content or that of third parties that: (i) are illegal, harmful or contrary to morals and good customs (pornographic, violent, racists, etc.); (ii) induce or may induce in the user the false conception that VENA or with VENA business relations, endorses, adheres or in any way supports the ideas, statements, or expressions, lawful or unlawful, of the sender; (iii) they are inappropriate or not pertinent with the activity of VENA in attention to the place, contents, and thematic of the web page of the sender.


Access to the store does not imply an obligation on the part of VENA to guarantee the total absence of viruses, worms, or any other harmful third-party computer element (“malicious software” or “malware”) while browsing. It corresponds to the user, in any case, the availability of adequate tools for the detection and disinfection of harmful computer programs. VENA does not take responsibility for the damages produced in the computer equipment of the users or third parties for acts of third parties during the provision of the service of the store.


Access to the store requires services and supplies from third parties, including transportation through telecommunications networks whose reliability, quality, security, continuity, and functioning do not correspond to VENA. Therefore, the services provided through the store may be suspended, canceled, or inaccessible, prior or simultaneous to the provision of the service of the store without the need for prior notification by VENA. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the case in which for any reason, VENA ceased permanently in the provision of the services of the store, VENA will make its best efforts to communicate this impact to registered users. VENA will not be responsible for damages or losses of any kind produced in the user that brings cause of failures or disconnections in the telecommunications networks that produce the suspension, cancellation, or interruption of the service of the store during the provision of the same or with character previous.


The store may include links that allow the user to access other internet pages and portals (hereinafter, “linked sites”). In these cases, VENA acts as a provider of intermediation services in accordance with article 17 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (“LSSI”) and will only be responsible for the content and services provided on the linked sites to the extent that it has effective knowledge of the illegality and has not deactivated the link with due diligence. In the event that the user considers that there is a linked site with illicit or inappropriate content, they may communicate to VENA in accordance with the procedure and effects set out in clause 6 of this legal notice, without, in any case, this communication entails the obligation to remove the corresponding link. In any case, the existence of linked sites must presuppose the existence of agreements with those responsible or owners thereof, or the recommendation, promotion, or identification of VENA with the statements, content, or services provided. VENA does not know the contents and services of the linked sites and therefore is not responsible for the damages caused by the illegality, quality, outdated, unavailability, error, and uselessness of the contents and/or services of the linked sites or by any other damage that is not directly attributable to VENA for its own services.


The store includes or may include the possibility that users, registered or not, include comments on the products or, in any other way, participate by issuing personal opinions or certain information. In these cases, VENA acts as a provider of lodging intermediation services in accordance with article 16 of Law 34/2002, of July 12, on services of the information society and electronic commerce (“LSSI”) and will only be responsible for the content uploaded by other users to the extent that they have actual knowledge of the unlawfulness and have not removed the illegal content with due diligence. In the event that the user considers that there are comments or content uploaded by other illicit or inappropriate users, they may communicate it to VENA in accordance with the procedure and effects set out in clause 6 of this legal notice, without, in any case, this communication entails the obligation to withdraw the corresponding comment or content. In any case, the existence of comments or content from third parties must presuppose the existence of agreements with the authors of the same, or the recommendation, promotion, or identification of VENA with the statements or information provided.


VENA has adopted the security measures legally required to guarantee the confidentiality and secrecy of the personal data that users provide in our store. Notwithstanding the above, the transmission of said data to VENA circulates through telecommunications networks of third parties not controlled by VENA. Additionally, the existence of malicious software on your computer may mean that such information may be forwarded or retrieved without your knowledge. VENA is not responsible for the lack of confidentiality of the information transmitted by third-party telecommunications equipment and networks nor for the software or hardware vulnerabilities of the users’ own equipment.


In the event that the user or any other internet user has knowledge that the linked sites or any other third-party service provided by VENA (e.g., user comments where permitted, etc.) are illegal, harmful, denigrating, violent, or contrary to morality; or that any of the information included by the users themselves, through the services offered in the store, have a consideration equal to that described above, you can contact VENA indicating the following points:

– Personal data of the caller: name, address, telephone number, and email address. These data will be treated with the sole purpose of managing your request and will be incorporated into a file of the responsibility of VENA with the sole purpose of meeting your request. You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition in accordance with the provisions of the privacy policy. The omission of any of these data may mean that your request is not answered without prejudice to the voluntary inquiries that VENA would like to make online.

– Description of the facts that reveal the illicit or inadequate nature of the linked site;

– In the case of violation of rights, such as intellectual and industrial property or any others whose existence could not be deduced by VENA, the personal data of the owner of the infringed right when a person other than the communicating party as well as the representation document to act by the account holder when he is a person other than the communicator. Additionally, in these cases, the documentation proving the existence of the legally damaged title or asset must be provided;

– Express declaration that the information contained in the claim is accurate.

The reception by VENA of the communication foreseen in this clause will not imply, according to the provisions of the LSSI, the effective knowledge of the activities and/or contents indicated by the communicator.
In the event that the user or any other internet user has knowledge that the linked sites or any other third-party service provided by VENA (e.g., user comments where permitted, etc.) are illegal, harmful, denigrating, violent, or contrary to morality; or that any of the information included by the users themselves, through the services offered in the store, have a consideration equal to that described above, you can contact VENA indicating the following points:

– Personal data of the caller: name, address, telephone number, and email address. These data will be treated with the sole purpose of managing your request and will be incorporated into a file of the responsibility of VENA with the sole purpose of meeting your request. You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition in accordance with the provisions of the privacy policy. The omission of any of these data may mean that your request is not answered without prejudice to the voluntary inquiries that VENA would like to make online.

– Description of the facts that reveal the illicit or inadequate nature of the linked site;

– In the case of violation of rights, such as intellectual and industrial property or any others whose existence could not be deduced by VENA, the personal data of the owner of the infringed right when a person other than the communicating party as well as the representation document to act by the account holder when he is a person other than the communicator. Additionally, in these cases, the documentation proving the existence of the legally damaged title or asset must be provided;

– Express declaration that the information contained in the claim is accurate.

The reception by VENA of the communication foreseen in this clause will not imply, according to the provisions of the LSSI, the effective knowledge of the activities and/or contents indicated by the communicator.


In accordance with the provisions of article 27.3 of Law 11/1998, of July 9, on consumer protection, we inform you that there are complaint forms at your disposal at VENA's registered office. Additionally, in all our stores, there are claim sheets on behalf of the company that owns the establishment.

VENA will resolve the claims addressed to it as soon as possible and, in any case, before the 30-day deadline.

At shopvena.co, we use cookies to improve the experience of visitors with our content and to allow us to compile statistics on visits and sessions. We want to offer the best service, and for this, we need to know your user experience within the web. This information will be used to adapt and improve the browsing experience on our website and other media.

Internet cookies are small files recorded in the browser used by each visitor to our website so that the server can remember the visit of that user later when they access our pages again. This information does not reveal your identity, personal data, or access the content stored on your PC, but it allows our system to identify you as a specific user who has previously visited the web, viewed certain pages, started certain sessions, etc. It also allows you to save your personal preferences and technical information such as visits made or specific pages you visit.

The purpose of cookies is to provide the user with faster and more efficient access to the selected services.


If you have any questions, suggestions, complaints or want to make any inquiries about our online store, contact the VENA customer service by email to the address: info@shopvena.co.